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Painswick - Oils by Heather Teather
Painswick - Oils by Heather Teather
Going home  in Goa - Oil by Anthony Hardware
Going home in Goa - Oil by Anthony Hardware
Acrylics using moulding paste by Berenice Stansfield
Acrylics using moulding paste by Berenice Stansfield
Imogen all in White by Penny Hawkes
Imogen all in White by Penny Hawkes
Cirencester Church from Black Jack Street by Steve Brook
Cirencester Church from Black Jack Street by Steve Brook
Cherington - Oil by Christopher Ronus
Cherington - Oil by Christopher Ronus
The Road Home - Acrylic by Gill Ashley
The Road Home - Acrylic by Gill Ashley
Raspberries  - watercolur by Lucille Lonsdale
Raspberries - watercolur by Lucille Lonsdale
Deserted - Acrylic by Gill Ashley
Deserted - Acrylic by Gill Ashley
Brimscombe - watercolour by Georgie Britton
Brimscombe - watercolour by Georgie Britton
Vyrnwy oil by Christopher Ronus
Vyrnwy oil by Christopher Ronus
Van Gough's Cat by Penny Hawkes
Van Gough's Cat by Penny Hawkes
Bella by Georgie B ritton
Bella by Georgie B ritton
Blueberries - Watercolor by Lucille Lonsdale
Blueberries - Watercolor by Lucille Lonsdale
Come on, follow us - Oil by Sian Defferary
Come on, follow us - Oil by Sian Defferary
Four Bottles by Mike Sykes
Four Bottles by Mike Sykes
Prism - Acrylic by Georgie Britton
Prism - Acrylic by Georgie Britton
Ballet Shoes , Watercolour by Lucille Lonsdale
Ballet Shoes , Watercolour by Lucille Lonsdale
Connie By Mike Sykes
Connie By Mike Sykes
Montage Cirencester Park by By Heather Teather
Montage Cirencester Park by By Heather Teather
Sisetta - oil by Christopher Ronas
Sisetta - oil by Christopher Ronas
CoxwellStreet by Steve Brook
CoxwellStreet by Steve Brook
Life drawing by Penny Hawkes
Life drawing by Penny Hawkes
Venice by Margaret Mortimore
Venice by Margaret Mortimore
Seawrds - Acrylic by Gill Ashley
Seawrds - Acrylic by Gill Ashley
Stephanie by Mike Sykes
Stephanie by Mike Sykes
Pretty and Pink - by Heather Teather
Pretty and Pink - by Heather Teather
New York,  Watercolour by Georgie  Britton
New York, Watercolour by Georgie Britton
Resting in Panama Bay by Tony Hardware
Resting in Panama Bay by Tony Hardware
'Now Seriously' by Margaret Mortimore
'Now Seriously' by Margaret Mortimore
Swan Yard cirencester by Steve Brook
Swan Yard cirencester by Steve Brook
The Sun of Venice going to sea after JMW Turner - oil by Tony Hardware
The Sun of Venice going to sea after JMW Turner - oil by Tony Hardware
CiCi - Oil by Christpher Ronas
CiCi - Oil by Christpher Ronas
Bella Pet Portrait - Watercolour by Lucille Lonsdale
Bella Pet Portrait - Watercolour by Lucille Lonsdale
Life drawing by Penny Hawkes
Life drawing by Penny Hawkes